Main diseases that affect sugarcane cultivation in Ecuador
Sugar cane is a crop of economic importance in Ecuador, it represents 8,7% of the gross domestic product, therefore, it is important that sugar cane growers have updated support material on the main diseases that affect plantations in the country. country, where the best way to combat them and avoid great economic losses is established, as these pathogenic organisms constitute a permanent threat. The most important due to the damage they cause are: smut, brown rust, soca rickets, leaf scald, yellow leaf syndrome and sugarcane mosaic virus. The best control measure to eradicate these diseases is the use of resistant cultivars, such as ECU-01, ECU-02, ECU-03 and ECU-04, use of categorized seed to make new commercial plantations, disinfection of tools used in the field, mainly the machete, using a 1% solution of formalin or quaternary ammonium, another no less important measure is the control of aphids that serve as vectors of several diseases, in addition to maintaining permanent phytosanitary surveillance. To control diseases in sugarcane cultivation, the use of chemical products is not recommended due to the harmful effects they cause on the environment.
Keywords: Sugarcane, Diseases, Control measures, Categorized seed.
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