Diagnóstico de micronutrientes en suelos cultivados con caña de azúcar en Villa Clara




The continued extraction of micronutrients and their poor replacement in sugarcane agrosystems has led to the depletion of these elements in the soil and could be one of the causes of the low yields and current deterioration of many plantations in the region. With the objective of knowing the availability of micronutrients present in the soils dedicated to the cultivation of sugar cane in Villa Clara, this work was carried out. For this purpose, 170 soil samples representative of the different edaphoclimatic regions of the province were collected and determined the content of available Zn, Cu, Fe, Mn and Ni. Diethylenetriaminepentacetic acid was used as an extractive solution and atomic absorption spectrophotometry was used as an analytical method. The descriptive analysis of the data was carried out using STATISTICA 12. Maps were made with the spatial distribution of micronutrients in soil, using QGIS. Sugarcane foliar analyzes were carried out to complement the diagnosis. Of the soils studied, 24.9% presented iron deficiency; 8.9% zinc and 6.2% copper. The need to continue incorporating the diagnosis of these elements in fertilization and soil improvement programs is demonstrated.

Keywords: DTPA, Soil Science, Microelements.



How to Cite

Más Martínez, R., Cobo Vidal, Y., Pineda Ruiz, E., & Lugo Ruiz, I. (2024). Diagnóstico de micronutrientes en suelos cultivados con caña de azúcar en Villa Clara. Agroecosystem Transformation Journal, 12(1), 98–104. Retrieved from https://aes.ucf.edu.cu/index.php/aes/article/view/689