Comportamiento de la generación diaria de desechos sólidos en la Ciudadela el Maestro, Cantón Pasaje
The generation of urban solid waste is currently an exclusive competence of municipalities and entities in charge of implementation, due to population growth that accelerates the increase of waste arriving at dumps or landfills. The study aimed to evaluate the performance of the daily generation of household solid waste in homes and businesses in the El Maestro community, Pasaje canton, province of El Oro, Ecuador. For this purpose, unstructured interviews were conducted with managers and specialists and a survey was conducted with inhabitants of the El Maestro community, where 10 family homes and 10 commercial premises were randomly selected and weighed during a week, after classifying the solid waste generated. More solid waste was generated in the commercial premises (average of 6.10 kg) than in the households (average of 2.08 kg). The total household solid waste reached the highest values on Tuesday and Wednesday; in commercial premises, it was different, as the days where the highest amounts were reached were Friday, Thursday and Saturday. The generation of solid waste in households and commercial premises may be related to patterns of consumption of fresh food and subsequent disposal.
Keywords: Household and commercial waste, Type of solid waste, Perception of interviewees and respondents.
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