Increase in cellulose using natural enzymes (Brom./Pap.) and synthesis of nanocellulose from rice husk
The nanocellulose is considered an innovative material with applications in biotechnology, which has revolutionized science and the environment, and can replace plastic and glass in the creation of new devices. With this test, the yield of Cellulose was increased, from previous treatments of rice hulls with natural enzymes (Bromelain and Papain) (44%), advantaged after using 10% CaCl2 (47%). By evaluating an adjusted protocol, using an enzyme complex with four exo and endonucleases, nanocellulose (CNCs) could be synthesized in the 200 nm range. Although the results are satisfactory, management needs to be improved to obtain higher yields.
Keywords: Proteolysis, Hydrolysis, Nanoparticles, Bromelain, Papain, Environmental pollutant, Biomass.
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