Author Guidelines
Authors who wish to make publications in the Revista Científica Agroecosistemas can submit their articles to the following E-mail address:
Our journal will only accept articles that are not under review and have not been published by other serial publications. The preferred language for publication is Spanish, but articles will also be accepted in English and Portuguese from native-speaking authors of those languages. Articles translated into these two foreign languages will also be accepted on the condition that they have been translated by a professional translator.
The following types of submissions will be accepted: (1) Scientific Articles which are the direct result or social research; (2) specialized essays featuring reflexive and critical approaches; and (3) reviews and bibliographical revisions of research works.
The submissions must be formatted to Microsoft Office Word (“.doc” or “.docx”), use Verdana font in size 10 and single-line spacing. Use Letter-size paper 21,59 cm x 27,94 cm. Top and bottom margins should be at least 2,5cm; side margins should be at least 2cm.
Structure of the manuscripts
All submissions must have the following structure:
• Papers submitted should have between 12 and 20 pages. +than12.
• The title of the papers should be in Spanish and in English, not exceeding 10 words.
• All the authors’ full names must be included in the papers.
• Papers must include E-mail addres, ORCID identifier with the following format (not followed by period): and author’s affiliation. All authors must have their profiles updated with current occupation and main publications at
• Papers must include an abstract in English and Spanish with keywords in English and Spanish separated by commas—a minimum of three and a maximum of ten keywords. The abstract should not have more than 200 words.
• Scientific research papers must contain these essential elements: Introduction; Materials and Methods; Results; and Conclusions. Other types of manuscripts should only have two main sections: Discussion; and Conclusions (unnumbered), plus the References. Appendices will be included at the end of the document.
Other aspects of form
• All pages will be numbered on the right bottom corner.
• All tables will be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text, and their corresponding captions will be placed directly at the top. They may be labeled in the text like this: table 1 or (Table 1).
• Figures should never exceed 100 Kb each, nor can they be more than 10 cm wide. All figures should be submitted as separate image-type files: .jpg o .png. All figures should be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text with the title directly at the top. They may be labeled in the text like this: Figure 1 or (Figure 1).
• Acronyms will be written out in full the first time, followed by the acronym between parenthesis right after it; they must not be used in the plural.
• Footnotes will be numbered with Arabic numerals. They will have 60 words or less.
• The Appendices will back up ideas discussed in the paper and will be labeled in the text like this: appendix 1 or (appendix 1).
• The main author must submit a document listing all the authors and their matching signatures, in which the underwriters confirm the non-existence of competing interests in connection with the paper. This document should also outline in detail the contributions made by each individual author.
Reference and Citation Formatting
All references and citations must be formatted to the Publication Manual of the American Psychology Association (APA), 7th edition, 2019. All authors shall be held liable for the accuracy of the citations and the references provided. A minimum of 20 bibliographical sources must be used; it is encouraged to use scientific papers published within the last five years. Priority usage should be given to bibliographical sources form journals indexed in Scopus and SciELO.
In-text citations will be formatted like this: Last name of the author (year of publication) if the names and last names of the author(s) is mentioned in the text. If author(s) is not mentioned in the text, the following variation must be used: (Author’s last name, year of publication). The page number will only be included when citing a quote. Only the citations contained in the text will be referenced as full citations at the end of the paper; they will be listed in alphabetical order with hanging indent.
Examples of each reference type follow:
Author’s last name, first and middle initial, & Author’s last name, first and middle initial. (year of publication). Title. Publisher name.
Cruz Ramírez, M. (2009). El método Delphi en las investigaciones educacionales. Academia.
Parts of a book
Last names, A. A., & Last names, B. B. (year of publication). Chapter title. In Author, A. A., Title of the book. (pp-pp). Publisher name.
Picó, F. (2004). Arecibo, sol y sereno. En, F. Feliú Matilla, 200 años de literatura y periodismo: 1803-2003. (pp. 129-134). Ediciones Huracán.
Journal Article
Last names, A. A., Last names, B. B., & Last names, C. C. (year of publication). Title of the article. Journal title, volume(issue), page numbers.
López, L. B. (2006). La búsqueda bibliográfica: componente clave del proceso de investigación. DIAETA, 24(115), 31-37.
Dissertations or Theses
Last names, A.A. (year of publication). Title of dissertation of thesis. (Type of dissertation or thesis). Name of institution.
Van Hiele, P. M. (1957). El problema de la comprensión: En conexión con la comprensión de los escolares en el aprendizaje de la geometría. (Doctoral dissertation). Universidad Real de Utrecht.
Last names, A. A., Last names, B. B., & Last names, C. C. (year of publication). Title of presentation. (Type of contribution) Name of the event. City and Country.
Rozemblum, C., Unzurrunzaga, C., Pucacco, C., & Banzato, G. (2012). Parámetros de evaluación para la inclusión e indización de revistas científicas en bases de datos locales e internacionales. Análisis sobre su aporte a la calidad de las publicaciones de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. (Presentation). VII Jornadas de Sociología de la UNLP. La Plata, Argentina.
Audiovisual Media
Last names, A. A. (Director). (Date) Title of the source. [Description]. Publisher/ Production Company.
Cameron, J. (1997). Titanic. [Motion Picture]. 20th Century Fox?.
Online sources
Author’s last name, A.A. (year of publication). Title of the source. Name of the website. URL
Bruguera i Payà, E. (2012). Proceso de búsqueda y localización de información por Internet. UOC.
Papers Produced by Working Groups
Country. Name of institution. (Year of publication) Title of the source. Publisher name.
Secretaría Nacional de Planificación y Desarrollo. (2013). Plan Nacional de Desarrollo / Plan Nacional para el Buen Vivir 2013-2017. SENPLADES.
On line
Country. Name of institution. (Year of publication) Title of the source. Name hosting publication. URL
Ecuador. Asamblea Nacional Constituyente. (2008). Constitución Política de la República del Ecuador. Registro Oficial 449.
Unpublished Manuscript
Last names, A. A., Last names, B. B., & Last names, C. C. (year of publication). Title of the source. (Stage of the manuscript). Institution.
León González, J. L., López Bastida, E. J., & Mora Quintana, E. C. (2019). Impacto y visibilidad de las revistas científicas de la Universidad de Cienfuegos. (Unpublished Manuscript). University of Cienfuegos.
1. This journal does not remunerate authors for submission or publication of their papers; authors, in turn, automatically grant the journal publication rights upon submission of their manuscripts.
2. The Editorial Board has the right to make all necessary changes and corrections of style at its discretion with the aim of improving manuscripts quality.
Política antiplagios
El consejo editorial de la Revista Científica Agroecosistemas utiliza el software Urkund para detectar coincidencias y similitudes entre los textos sometidos a evaluación y los publicados previamente en otras fuentes.
Anti-plagiarism policy
The editorial board of the Revista Científica Agroecosistemas uses the Urkund software to detect coincidences and similarities between the texts submitted for evaluation and those previously published in other sources.
Copyright Notice
The publishing house “Universo Sur”, of the University of Cienfuegos, publishes the contents of the Revista Científica Agroecosistemas under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International License.
The contents of this publication may be reproduced, in part or in whole, provided that it is reproduced verbatim and the source is acknowledged.
Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement
The names and e-mail addresses entered in Culture, Communication and Development will be used exclusively for the purposes declared by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or to any other person.
The members of the Editorial Team undertake to preserve the identity of the authors submitting articles until publication, if any, and to preserve their identity in case of rejection.
Manuscripts under review will not be used for any other purpose by the staff involved in the process, and will only be disclosed at the time of publication. In case of rejection, they will be archived in the journal's historical record, and no one with access to this archive will be able to use them for any purpose other than that for which they were sent.