Enfrentamiento a los delitos contra los ecosistemas costeros: un enfoque desde el Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras




The relationship between humans and nature has captured the interest of philosophers and scientists from ancient times to the present day. This has led to the development of concepts that consistently highlight a common denominator: humans utilize what nature provides to meet their needs, but often neglect the consequences of their actions, leading to its destruction. In this context, the current research aims to enhance efforts in combating crimes that impact coastal ecosystems as a legally protected interest within the territory of Cienfuegos. Drawing on insights from Criminology, operational concepts, and the Integrated Coastal Zone Management approach, the study seeks to improve effectiveness in addressing such occurrences. The research employed various methods: Theoretical level: analytical-synthetic, historical-logical, and deductive-inductive. Empirical level: document analysis, participant observation, and interviews with key stakeholders. This comprehensive approach allowed for a preliminary diagnosis of existing irregularities in the fight against crimes affecting coastal ecosystems in the Cienfuegos province. These irregularities include insufficient coordination among responsible agencies, lack of coherence between national, sectoral, and local strategies, inadequate multidisciplinary preparation of stakeholders, and insufficient public awareness regarding coastal resource conservation. As a result, a set of proposed actions was developed to address these identified irregularities and contribute to the preservation of these ecosystems through crime prevention.

 Keywords: Crime, Coastal Zone, Coastal Ecosystems, Confrontation, Conservation.



How to Cite

Nerro Molina, K. M., & Castellanos González, M. E. (2024). Enfrentamiento a los delitos contra los ecosistemas costeros: un enfoque desde el Manejo Integrado de Zonas Costeras. Agroecosystem Transformation Journal, 12(1), 139–149. Retrieved from https://aes.ucf.edu.cu/index.php/aes/article/view/698